My morning with the homeless

Good morning! I hope your day is off to a wonderful start, and I’d like to add to that loveliness with a story of me making some new friends today. Friends who happened to be homeless.
I’m attracted to the downtrodden, the struggling, and the oppressed. I think that is where Jesus would want me. I feel a purpose inside to help those who are struggling in way that I can. I’ve been selfish and missed out on a lot of good opportunities to do this, but no more!!😀
I used to sit in the church pews as a child in Marietta, Georgia, and I would hear these amazing stories about the heroes of our shared world history. I would then dream of helping the poor just like them one day. 
But for years, due to depression and anxiety, I avoided making those connections with the people I claimed to love; the people that I am commanded to love based off my faith and its values. 
This made it difficult to really help people the way I wanted, and I’ll admit, when I was enjoying comfort and the fruits of my labor, I didn’t even have anyone else on my radar screen except myself.
Today though, something changed. 
I am going to continue this story in another post (so you’ll just have to come back and see the rest of the awesome photos my new friends and I took today😀), and how I had an awesome time this morning hanging with the homeless!😀❤️🙌🏾
I’d like to close out by saying thank you to “Melo” for his assistance with this picture today. Let’s show these people who black men can help one another as brothers, and I will also show you how I help my caucasian brothers also!! Lol😂❤️✌🏾️

Chelsea’s music the morning after 

A renewed hippie woke up this morning and heard a sparkling voice akin to the light mist of a waterfall. He heard the pull of the strings over a valley overlooking his home down below. Listening to this was like that time way back when. The time when a beautiful woman approached an angry man-not yet schooled in the loving & peaceful way of the hip-person-and he was shocked this woman was talking to him because he had not met her before, and he then, all of a sudden, looks up and forgets he was angry! He smiles and remembers the world isn’t as cold as it is usually-as cold as it was when he was in the orphanage. How cold it was when his mother left him-ALONE-in Cleveland. Somehow he was strong enough to push through that; there was just one HUGE problem though. He was using anger and vengeance-with a chip on his shoulder taking on the world-and this brought him great success. 

For a time. 

The anger started to seep through his skin from his heart, and the smell of it accosted the people around him amorously (seemingly on the surface, but not that way underneath)-until he struck-lost everything and realized there is a time and place for all emotions. He decided to make a change right there and then. He let go of his anger and let love in. From that day forward, his life was changed forever.

Or if you just had a rough week, the music will just cheer you up.😂

Follow here on Soundcloud! 🙂

Talks With My Grandma; Dealing With False Teachers, Liars etc. (and Snakes For Good Measure!)

Everyone has been hurt before. Everyone has been lied too. Some were cheated on as they sipped their tall, ice-cold glass of lemonade; while some, judged the unseen, unknown person they had never met before with information imagined in their mind “coupled with” the whispers of the he said she said. 

My grandma told me to be on guard for this. Not to rush to judgement, and even if I could judge-NOT TO. Why? She said I should be doing everything that I am doing (including addressing the person whose neck I want to wring in extreme annoyance and frustration!😂) with one thing: 


For a second, as I was full of pride, sure that I was right, and that I had “THE” right to be judge, jury, and executioner; I found that all along I was wrong-blinded by my own conceit and self-righteousness. 

Thank you grandma for correcting me. Pride so easily sneaks into the home, and the next thing you know: “Cockroaches everywhere!” 😂😂❤️✌🏾️
Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen

Keep your friends close, and make sure they are friends before proceeding onward to the management of your enemies

I’m striving for a vision of what I want to achieve in life that I work to express by how I carry myself to be. When it came time for me to go to that place out west-just like the one in the movies, where I can sit back, go to the saloon, order a shot of whisky at the bar, wait for trouble to arrive, shoot them in cold blood, bang a waitress upstairs, and then sit back down in my chair and watch the rest of the football game like nothing happened😂; a surreal vision, of course, where all sorts of decadent life experiences fill every point of view with a cloud of pleasure-this was the virtual reality-like daydream I found myself in, of which I had no premonition or gut-feeling that it would come to a sudden stop like the idiots who slam on their brakes all of a sudden in rhe left lane on Interstate 10 in Los Angeles. 
That’s when I felt the cold touch of a hand that grabbed me-jerking at my arm even!

I could have sworn it was someone I knew. Someone who had an emergency and needed my help. Someone who looked around, couldn’t find anyone, and now came to me as a last resort-knowing that their chances of getting assistance-even at a time like that!-were super slim. Hahahaha. Boy was I wrong (as usual).

It wasn’t too long before I saw someone I had not seen for a long, long time. How and why the hell was he here? We were never friends. We were never even what could be considered “remotely cool associated acquaintances”: whatever that is, or what it means, it doesn’t mean friendly at all (ok y’all?😂). I mean, we were about as friendly as you’d be with someone who asked you to wipe their ass for them. “No thank you bro! I think you can wipe your own ass-after all, we’re GROWN ASS MEN!” 
That’s when the hand came out. He looked at me with the disdain of a spurned panhandler in front of a brand new Starbucks smack dab in the middle of a freshly gentrified zip-code; in other words, he was expressing the sting of the rejection of his financial request with the uneasy gaze of his bloodshot eyes. 

So then, the attempts at manipulation started. Something I hate. Seemingly out of a nowhere, this clown begins to recant (a lengthy recounting if I may say so!😂) the total number of puchases and amounts of money he spent on my behalf as a friend (“Man, I was lookin’ out for you homie!). He was emphatic that he had done this-although no such thing had ever happened in reality (he went on and on whining about how he had made many large and small purchases-all on my behalf, and that I should be more appreciate-blah, blah, blah-and that I I had never reciprocated such loving kindness from a true-blue friend like him. SIDENOTE: If we are keeping track honestly, than I must point out to the audience that these purchases were mostly of the EXTREMELY SMALL variety-but anyway!😂). 

His voice continued to get louder and louder. First it was no big deal, but 15 minutes later, I could feel the ringing in my ears like loud music in a car played by someone who has horrible taste in whatever music they choose. And as if enduring this “sound-abuse” wasn’t bad enough, an undercurrent of rage began to rise to the surface and stink up the room along with the ear-ringing noises. Beneath the facade, the passive aggressiveness, and the fake & phony politeness he tried to wear as mask started to fade in the sunlight of my face.
And that is when everything went blank. 
I don’t remember much, but I remember waking up on my futon, and he was gone. All that was left was a pair of his broken headphones; he left a trail of hair like a dog-but at least the smell had dissipated. 
Ever since then I have been careful of who I keep around myself, and I watch out for people who misunderstand the term “friend”, and in whose warped mind this word evokes the image of a constant life-long benefactor. Those you love and care for sometimes come by to show off their extreme makeover, and try to catch you off-guard and unawares when they flip sides to a darker, sinister, and more sociopathic self than their usual verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive personality. Behold your abuser, and do you not recognize him? Soon enough, you’ll end up used and abused. 


That rush of adrenaline in your blood; it’s like nothing else. It’s all natural-except for the caffiene perhaps, but it grabs your heart and attention so forcefully; it’s like you have no control over your will, and all of a sudden something more powerful than you is in control. 

Ever felt that??😀 

Well I did today.🙌🏾😱❤️ After years of struggling and fighting depression, the side for the good guys won a huge battle. There is a whole green valley in front of me panoramically-below my elevated position-where before, I could never see anything but darkness-for the sea of enemies in front of me was THAT massive. Demons. Everyone has them. 

I found it was true for me that-for those faithful to the one who follows no one-that your enemies will be laid at your feet if you persist courageously, and you risk all, unafraid to die. Unafraid to fail. 

In the heat of battle, your natural reactions are taken captive by the “flight or fight response”. 

I choose to FIGHT!😄🕶🐎🔫 (like the desperados in the old spaghetti westerns. 

Here are some lyrics that explain the feeling properly from an Ennio Morricone musical piece (masterpiece❤️👍🏾): 

“Levantando en aire los sombreros. (Lifting our sombreros up in the air.)

Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill (twice), compañeros !)

Pintaremos de rojo sol y cielos. (We’ll paint sun and sky in red!.
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill, compañeros !)

Hay que ganar muriendo, pistoleros! (You must win dying, pistoleros!)

Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill, compañeros !)

“Hay que morir venciendo, guerrilleros. (You must die triumphant, guerilleros.”)❤️❤️❤️

“Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! Let’s go and kill, compañeros !)

Luchando con el hambre, sin dineros. (Fighting while hungry, without money.)

Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill, compañeros !) ”

This is the feeling I feel in my blood before the moment I hit the floor to compete. I burst into light, my brother looking down from above; proud his brother attained the level of “Super Saiyan”!😂❤️🙌🏾✌🏾️ ,_Compañeros!_Title_Song




This masterpiece is the “Génie de la terre” (Spirit Of The Earth). It is from the year 1855; it was made by artist Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux. Sidenote: I’d be scared as “you know what”, if this thing was comin’ after me!😂

Punk Rock Saturday…and how it happened

“Can you even write Jean? No one wants to look at you all dressed up. No one likes you. When’s the last time you had a date? Why do you talk like that? So you SERIOUSLY think you are some sort of photographer? GTFOH. You know why you are still single??! Its because something is wrong with you. You are too fat. You aren’t smart enough rich enough. You’ll never be able to make a relationship work with her bro! She’s white. You’re black!”

Jean said in response, “Oh no kind sir. You must be mistaken. There’s no such thing as people-with a different skin tone than you-walking around with ignoring you like you aren’t there, even though you are close to them that they can smell your $200 Bond No. 9 cologne. And there is most certaintly no one in the state of Arizona (where there are no racists of any kind at the moment I write this) walking around in an air of priviliged hostility while thinking you are something to be afraid of, and when not afraid, eyes look away and make no attempt at eye contact. Sort of like when you are mad at your girlfriend, and she’s mad, and no one is talking about it-but you know for a fact there is something in the air: and it ain’t what Phil Collins said was in the air tonight (😂); that’s because  what is the air is the anger that birthed Rome. Romulus and Remus are about to fight, there is hostility, but they ignore it; they just pretend the person isn’t there. You’re invisible.   

That’s all in your head person I am talking too with the different skin tone. Even though you don’t experience the subtle slights, passive aggression, and unintended insults and condescending comments that those of the other skin color category experience (hate those category things by the way😊 Love it when people are just people. Men are just men. Women are just women. Gay people are treated just like they aren’t any different. Ya know?😉), you have all experience and authortity to comment on the experience of an emotion you have never felt. I’m mean SHEESH! How wrong and crazy must you be? Don’t you know that categorizing people by race, zip code, and income is a badge of honor and in no way contributes to the racism we claim we want to stop?”

“The servant must not raise his eyes. Not towards Pharaoh when only a slave.”

Well, no slaves here. No one to look down on. My great-grandfather was in the Tuskegee syphillis study, but they forgot they used us like guinea pigs. My thyroid is gone and little brother passed away, but I’m still on my way up. 

There is no one to talk down to or avoid. “I am the one who knocks.”BITCH (😂). [ For those who are not familiar with this reference😊 ] Alice Cooper mentioned to me that he couldn’t find a nice guy any longer. Interesting. Could have swore he was just here a few weeks ago. 

Well, now that I have cleared that up, I can say that is what inspired these questionable, mischievous, hooded-villain pictures. But thank the good lord for punk rock and art!! : a way to channel your angst/anger into a form that is NOT self destructive and leave you with breath stinking of beer-or waking up in jail-or no longer free-just another caged bird in the rehabilitation factory farm. That’s a damn good thing. Hahaha!
I’ll close out by a special shout out-in the spirit of Michael Jordan’s hall of fame speech. To all my detractors, to all the ones out there with their noses up in the air, this one is for you. “No bondage! UP YOURS!”🤘🏿

“I was out here spazzin’ now y’all get the message?!!”😂. Credit of quote to: Listen to Facts (Charlie Heat Version) by Kanye West on @AppleMusic. Stealing is wack. SUPPORT ARTISTS💯

   Please follow me on Instagram! Thanks! 1❤️😄

There is no light like the first light of spring

   Everyone has wondered if he his up there at some point. Whether you are educated, uneducated, big or small, brown or yellow; you get the picture. Lol. 

Anyway, what if it was all real all of a sudden? As real as a postcard of Disneyland. One that you have never seen, but you dream of it-therefore, you know what it looks like. 

The first time you went, after years and years upon years of just looking at it in your mind, you now find yourself there-standing in front of it: in all its majesty like Thanksgiving dinner. 🙂 Those times when you were never able to touch it might come into mind. Maybe even bring a tear to your eye? 

How else could I explain? Picture this: you come to look at the Christmas tree on the morning of the 25th, but Santa didn’t bring you your gift. But then, all of sudden, you see it in the corner. You swore it wasn’t there before in the corner where you see it now, but surely as you can see, its there!!! He DID remember! 

Getting it yet?

Well, whatever that special feeling-which all kids seem to understand for some reason, is a sensation akin to magic. Not vodoo magic. Not drugs. Not sex. Not imaginary. Nothing fake. You are totally sober, but you just have this amazing feeling that you just can’t….wait I can. Only those who have felt this way will know. 

The feeling of being completely happy and in love. 

Some people think it doesn’t exist. Some have wounds from attempted muggings from thieving, rat-faced, criminals who only strike at the heart. Unfortunately, those things happen, and it doesn’t take much to find a victim, if you want to see them. Sometimes, I try to pretend I don’t see them (I know, I feel guilty though y’all). 

But “what if?” 

What if love was real? What if no one could explain it to you-because its impossible-but also because its something best felt & experienced 

 , as opposed to a lengthy, exhausting verbal diatribe. 

As surely as you see couples holding hands, and babies being pushed in their strollers by doting mothers-you know love exists; there it sits, just waiting for you to look at it as it hangs on the wall. So clearly painted, no one could mistake it. Like the sky. The clouds. The unfathomable size of the universe. 

When your God is this big, you’re so small in his presence that you cease to be a person anymore; somehow you know you are still there, but everywhere you look, you see light just like yourself. So much that you get lost, but light is always right where it is supposed to be.🙌🏾

So, I was thinking…..

If you took all these pictures and blended them together, that is how I’d like to look and think. My mind would be beautiful-like royal palace halls with walls encased in gold-and the words out of my mouth would shine, inspire, seem regal, and regale the ears of those around me. I’d sweat the elegance that drips from that St Agnes basillica photo. Please exuse the smell. Also, please excuse me as my mind drifts off to dreams of Rome. Sometimes the mind is like taming a wild mare. 

Good thing I brought my to-do list with me. Almost missed dinner with an angel. “Take this helicopter to her house right away!” “Yeah, its ok. Just hop in. We’ll park on the rooftop Joan.” The helicopter smells like flowers now. We float down to our destination. I’m looking at the wind blowing through her hair. I gently take her hand and help her down. We’re at the door now and are quickly escorted to our table. “Compliments of the chef Sir John. I look forward to bringing you the next course soon.” Night falls. Let’s take our champagne to the limo. Out of the window, there are long lines everywhere. No matter. We’ll just walk to the front.  Is that Zoe Kravitz? “You don’t mind do you Joan?” Ok, I guess we’ll all go to St. Regis now. Goodnight. 
Sun is beamimg through the sliver in the curtains. Is it the afternoon already? “Sir Mullins, we’re here to take you to your next appearance.” I nod and close the door. I turn around and am greeted by an motion in picture in progress. She’s putting the new dress on I got her last week. Time to go. 

I’m in the Versace store now. Can’t believe my friends and family have all this to ourselves. I take a glass of champagne from one of the waiters. Who is that talking so loudly? Seems like he’s really trying to get my attention. Is it? It is. *Sigh* “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy. I promise to call you back tomorrow Ricardo. Givenchy isn’t until 3 days from now.” Sometimes they are just so demanding though. *Sigh* Where’s Joan? “Yeah. I’ll take you up in the helicopter again.” Nothing is more beautiful than that smile. “Man, this wine is amazing John.” Let’s take our glasses with us and go walk across that bridge over there. The summer breeze greets us as we open the doors and exit across the garden. 
Sant’Agnese in Agone. 17th century church in Rome. A beautiful story behind this.

Givenchy Haute Couture    
  Raquel Zimmerman in Versace for Vogue Paris

Raquel Zimmerman in Bottega Venetta for Vogue Paris

Any day is a good day to look at Zoe Kravitz pictures 🙂  
  She made her own catwalk. 

From Harper’s Bazaar  
  Joan Smalls. Words are not enough. Ever 🙂


Steve Jobs Inspired

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 – YouTube ► 14:34► 14:34 Steve Jobs delivering his commencement speech to the graduates of Stanford ..



Over the obstacle course of my life, I’ve found that I have a tendency to make presumptions about my audience, and I’ve learned that if I don’t explain things properly, I can come across as crazy.

That’s not a problem because I know I’m crazy.

However, what in the heck does that have to do with Steve Jobs, a commencement speech, and pictures of the upper and lower halves of an outfit?


See, I’m writing today, yet again after taking a super long break, which unfortunately had a lot to do with a marathon WWF Wrestlemania match with depression. I couldn’t really bring myself to write. I squandered my energy working a job I had to suffer through-as a necessity-but due to the grace of God, the pain of the experience was being used to push me toward a new life. I now realize those chronic agitations were signals of something within my solar system, and I needed hop on the first thing smokin’ from Tattooine.

I had to take that next step, but I was complacent. I was fearful. Worried. It takes effort to change ships, and I was effortless. Every day was like waking up, realizing you are in the bottom of a deep hole, but you see a bright light up above; if only only there were a way to scale the walls, maybe I could climb out and show Bane who’s boss. I felt trapped.

Enter Steve Jobs. I was walking around Trader Joe’s, after yet another draining work day, and I was listening to his speech enclosed in the link I’ve attached to this post. As, I listened to it, I felt myself moving upward. I was starting to climb.

The words resonated with me, and although I didn’t memorize anything, his words were so sharp and proved effective in piercing the walls I had built-walls that I thought were protecting me, preserving my imprisonment. He advised me that you shouldn’t waste any of your life in a job that makes you miserable and doesn’t involve following your dreams and vision. At that time, I could definitely confirm the miserable part of the equation, but I was still formulating a vision. Things were beginning to emerge more clearly, but it all still seemed a little blurry. However, I could tell something had changed.

A seed had been planted.

A year passed on my journey since that day at Trader Joe’s, and the fight to climb towards the light has continued. A close friend of mine said, at the end of a conversation one day-consisting of a metric shit-ton of bitching-that I just needed to get a different job. I took this as the final confirmation, and I gradually began to tear the walls down. I began to look for opportunities and new ways I could build. This helped, not because I actually found the solution all by my own doing, but because it made me open to what was going to happen.

A hand reached down into the pit I was in. Use your imagination here. Picture the arm of your best friend reaching down, maybe even your father and mother. Well, that is what this was like. A recruiter contacted me, I took their hand, and I’m now on my way, nearly out, and I can feel what it’s like to have the sun on my skin again.

The past few days have reminded me of what it’s like to NOT feel miserable for no reason at all. To appreciate the priceless value of having a body that functions. The gift of being able to walk around, taste coffee, look at the sky, and feel the 115 degrees of Arizona valley summer heat.

Yes, even the ridiculous cauldron of heat right now. Hahahaha. 🙂

I can also start to enjoy the things that i used to enjoy. For me, that involves a lot of music and art.

The shirt in this picture is by A.P.C. Jeans are selvedge denim and made by PRPS. Wingtip boots are by John Varvatos. I mark occasions like today by what I’m wearing. Tiger is wearing red today. Michael Jordan has his hoop earring in. I’m back and I feel like winning for a change.

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