Butterflies and Pimps; Michael Jackson & Kendrick Lamar


These aren’t my words, they are Kendrick Lamar’s, and what he says about Michael Jackson is pretty remarkable. Hence, I will provide you with the quote, then I’ll remark.😂

“But then tomorrow, put my back against the wall. 
How many leaders you said you needed then left ‘em for dead? 
Is it Moses, is it Huey Newton or Detroit Red? 
Is it Martin Luther, JFK, shoot or you assassin? 
Is it Jackie, is it Jesse, oh I know, it’s Michael Jackson, oh

[Bridge 3]

When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
 When shit hit the fan, is you still a fan?
 That n—a gave us Billie Jean, you say he touched those kids?”

Kendrick Lamar “Mortal Man” on the album “To Pimp A Butterfly”

“Mortal Man” by Kendrick Lamar

And I look at this beautiful image of Michael Jackson from the streets of Miami, and I think to myself: “Maybe I’m a butterfly? Maybe we’re all butterflies?” Not to shortly after that, the schocker: “Maybe we’re all being pimped?”

Michael Jackson’s public perception is what it is. It has become separated among near ideological boundaries with adherents paying no mind to facts, nor anything for that matter, that would sway their point of view.

So then how do I figure out the answer if its all a point of view? Before I concern myself too much, I leave the thought with you like I leave this Michael Jackson photo.

I suppose we will all have to make up our minds whether we are being pimped or not?🤔❤️✌🏾️

Waking up with street art😄

Good morning! I just woke up, and to kick of this amazing day I’m thankful to see, I’m posting one of the dopest pictures I can find of some street art I was smitten by in Miami at the wynwoodartdistrict. Gorgeous ain’t she?😂❤️✌🏾️ #art #wynwood #photography #instagood #beauty #graffiti #painting #blogger #writer


Walking in the snow (at the MOCA Miami art museum😂)

imageCold air rushes through my nostrils. I’m nursing an injury to my lungs. Sometimes I cough. I look over to my right-snow. To my left? Also snow😂 It’s coming down thick, so thick that you can’t see in front of you. It reminds me of when I used to walk to school in Toronto. The ice would crunch underneath my boots and leave these little holes in the ground. You could tell something had been there-me. Something in this painting reminds me of the footprints in the ice; except the footprints in this case are the red ones (seen jn upper middle part of this), and they belong to some fearsome animal everyone is afraid of and never seen up close and in person-only heard about in fearful, hushed whispers. Maybe I’ll get to see what it is in the next painting.☺️

#art #painting by #marielleplaisir #photography by myself😂 #photographer #MOCA #instagood #artlover #blogger #writer #poerty


Paintings seen on Nyquil

I’ve just left Portland. I’m hopping on a another flight to get back to my temporary home. I’m bored, but Steve Jobs actually cured the illness of boredom with this lovely iPhone, so I can make use of my time; meaning I’ll share this painting by Marielle Plaisir.😊 Here ya go world!😀 I’m just sitting here by myself-as usual, so I’ll share this painting and my thoughts with you. I haven’t seen my own bed for a week. I feel like I’m in the “The Walking Dead” and any day now, the poison from the bite this week took out of my flesh will run its course; this all resulting in me becoming a permanent cast member of the “Thriller” video. “Heee heee!!😂 “Security wouldn’t let me take the Nyquil-“rules are the rules boy!”-so, I downed the rest of the bottle (“Take that bishes!😂) Now I’m seeing things. Lol😂 How much was that? I don’t know, but when I close my eyes, I see things. Seriously. Hahahaha. I’m not seeing dead people, but I saw myself on the three hour drive back from Redmond, Oregon driving so close to the edge of the road, that it looked like the car might veer off. Somehow, I made it back to the highway. Is that because I like to take walks on the wild side like Lou Reed, or is it because I was traumatized by the horrific driving of the peons that infested the many one lane roads on the remote areas of travel towards my destination? (😂) Maybe I just need to go to sleep? How is Nyquil legal? Is this what rappers feel like? Good night everyone! *checks watch and sees it is only 1:46 pm*🙌🏾 Rockstar life!😂 #blogger #writer #painting #MOCA #Miami #art

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