Hip-Hop goes back to the essence

Even as a big fan of music, it can almost be overwhelming to have such an enormous amount of music available. It’s unprecedented. With all the new streaming technologies available, and smartphones giving us more than we could possibly listen to, it’s a great time for listeners.

Popular streaming services

Sometimes, I reminsce over the time when California hip-hop was at the height of mainstream success (mid 90’s), and in a conversation with a successful independent recording artist, DTown, we talked about the state of hip-hop today and how things have changed.

We talked briefly about how the Internet has broken down regional barriers and opened up opportunities to have their music heard virtually anywhere. Also, the success of shows like “Empire” (a #1 network TV show with a huge age range of fans: 18-49) ย Still, even with a bigger audience available (compared to that time in the 90’s),ย artists still face pressure by major labels to compromise their values to accommodate the audience. We both agreed that this was one of the areas holding hip-hop back from reaching its new, larger potential.

In general, artists are not gaining as much in return as listeners in this new model-one that still caters towards major labels and popular artists.

There are still some that beat the system though. Take for example LA’s own Nipsey Hussle (who I’m a big fan of), but has chosen to go the independent route. I asked DTown why many artists choose to forego signing with major record labels.

Recent release by Nipsey Hussle

He explained how it was better for him, and many other musicians, to have their own distribution and websites (revenue from streaming services is minimal). They have adapted by going to a more entrepreneurial and more decentralized type of music business model; one that gives artists direct contact with their fans, and which also affords them more control.

As we talked, our discussion naturally turned towards the subject of Kendrick Lamar: an artist, who we both agree, is the one rap artist whose music is most in tune with the vibe of the culture right now.

My KDot playlist!

We talked about how Kendrick was leading the way in the trend towards greater attention to lyricism in rap. This has been encouraging to him, as well as other artists he knows, as they have chosen to stay true to themselves, rather than change to make themselves more appealing to an audience overwhelmed with choices. This isn’t going to change anytime soon, and attention spans will likely only get shorter as a result.

One thing, however, hasn’t changed with all this new technology, and that is LA’s impact on hip-hop. For example, DTown being in Ohio didn’t prevent Kendrick from influencing him out there. This makes me thankful to have big artists, like him, whose incredible artisty benefits us all and inspires their peers.

There are myriad independent artists out there, and if the new streaming models figure out a way to benefit them as much as consumers, thatย is when we all will truly benefit, and the sleeping giant within hip-hop will awaken.

My Sunday As A Hip-Hop Fan & A Hidden Gem

D-Town’s Music Website

I’m going to write something more in depth about dude, but for now, it will suffice to leave this here. Before you read any further, I humbly request for you to click on this link and have a listen!๐Ÿ˜„

About D-Town:ย 

  1. An Ohio native
  2. Started making music over 15 years ago when he and his brother (Mello Dee; a music producer) formed “Da Kreek”
  3. Has won many hip hop award nominations and has a reputation, among those that know him, as the โ€œhardest working artistโ€ theyโ€™ve known

Now, the embarrasing fact that I did not know about this brutha right here at ALL-until I found him on Instagram-even though he has won many awards, been on stage with Rick Ross, and has over 13,000 social media followers-is a prime example of what is wrong with the music business & why making a living off of the sales of one’s music is EXTREMELY difficult.

This dude right here (D-Town; http://www.executivedtown.com) is a really, really, really good artist, who refuses to play into the negative caricatures forced upon many hip-hop artists (drug guy, drug dealing guy, ignorant thug guy, street cred guy, angry political guy, godless guy, and sex guy), and as a result, has had to go the road of promoting and managing himself, when in fact, music magazines and big media should be promoting good stuff like this-instead of the garbage on the radio that brings shame to our music and our culture.

That being said, hope you’ll take a listen if you like this style of music. He’s a true lyricist and a great writer!๐Ÿ˜„โœŒ๐Ÿพ๏ธ

A letter to the critics of “Drug Dealers Anonymous” by Jay-Z and Pusha-T.ย 

You know not of whom you speak.

Instagram showed me. The people can often be wrong. And right now? One of the best songs in rap music in yeeaaaaaars (๐Ÿ˜‚) has just started to seduce eardrums.

So please refrain from criticizing two artists and/or a song everyone is enjoying for the most part, and is currently blown away mostly by, which according to my recent Google searches, leads one to believe that the public has a preference (in general) to Jay’s verse.

But stop right there! That’s where I come in!!!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ

“EVERYTHING IS PUSHA T”๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพhttps://youtu.be/7BxCDysoSxg. ๐Ÿ˜‚

I feel it is my duty to let the world know, that Pusha-T and Jay-Z are pretty much damn near equals when it comes to their lyricism. Both verses are amazing (I actually prefer Pusha-T’s verse over Jay’s), but I felt a little hurt as a fan when I didn’t see people raving over Pusha-T’s verse as much as Jay-Z’s. Of course Jay gets the attention for being the bigger artist, but I think this speaks to a problem: people are overlooking Pusha-T!!

After all, who in the fashion world (or just pop-culture in general, knows about Pusha-T? This guy isn’t just some drug dealer! His name, and the world he describes, are both two forms of expressiom affected to portray the characters he wishes to create with his artform: MUSIC.โค๏ธ He does it better than nearly any other human out there.

Also, did you know that “Pyrex Vision” (http://pyrexclothing.com) and “Fear Of God” (https://fearofgod.com) are two of the MOST AMAZING FASHION & CLOTHING BRANDS IN HISTORY, and people know about those brands, or that style of clothing, or who Justin Bieber and the brands he is wearing, but they don’t know the dude they got that swag from?!!!!!


For any critic trying to explain the song, a discussion on a large point cannot be avoided. ย Jay-Z (who was also the president of Def-Jam at one point, in addition to owning and running a successful sports agency, and myriad other companies) is referred to as a “drug dealer.” One of the most successful entrepreneurs in the history of this country is referred to as a “drug dealer”??? ๐Ÿ˜”
One does wonder if it may be somewhat due to the reason of him being a black man?๐Ÿค”
The last minute and 6 seconds explains the response you feel in your heart, after you have been made to feel like this. So please, I say again: “Refrain from criticizing the artists and this song for the time being. We can resume criticizing when people stop age and gender and race and sexual preference discriminating against each other. Thanks and good day to you. #PushaT #JayZ #hiphop #music #art #rap

My Sunday morning with Black Jesus

Sunday morning church service begins for me. I’ve often submitted myself to the passive aggressive questioning of a fellow family member (both blood related and blood-spiritually related) for quite some time as an outkast in the desert. It’s ironic how those-who mean well actually-have so much information, but fail to grasp the reality at the heart of the words they hold so sacred and dear. Taking it a step further, I would say they even fail to realize there is something more satisfying than baby food. My thinking and my taste is for solid food only at this point and time in my life.

Or to try and explain better, I could paint a picture for you to explain an emotion and experience that has so many layers and is always changing. Just close your eyes and imagine the same book that the person is parcing and quoting-picking and choosing the parts that align to their bias๐Ÿ˜-says that I myself am a church. Ever heard the phrase “your body is a temple”? That’s what I’m sayin’ yo.๐Ÿ˜‚

So WHY is it SOOOOOO important to you that I’m going (๐Ÿ™„), when I have work to do that would yield more value and benefit to society? Why-rather than sitting in a big room by myself (while people go through the motions; too insecure to clap or sing oftentimes, etc), and I’m just standing there enduring the awkwardness and phony displays of reverence with a concert crowd that just doesn’t seem that in to the band onstage (metaphorically speaking)-would I waste precious time doing this????? ๐Ÿ˜‚

I look around; seeing the lack of enthusiasm for the greatest artist, creative, and inspiration of all time (let alone Him being the ONLY one worthy of the title of “Bawse Of All Bawses”๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ),……I get irritated. I get bothered. I also get bored-sitting there hearing the same information in a new trendy format-but always going back to the same tired, limited theological conclusions.

So sometimes, when I can’t stomach the same old, same ol’ blah, drive-thru spiritual appointments, I take myself to church; ya know…..with me being a temple and all, I figure, “Why not?!!”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

So I sat back and decided to kick back with Black Jesus.โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ Not black as in skin color either-it’s the one you find for yourself with your OWN spiritual search; a search that you have to conduct on your own. No one tells you the answers, or what to believe, you get the information for yourself, evaluate, then decide. Being told what to do and what to think just won’t get us there. It didn’t get me there. I just decided to take a walk in the forest-like John did-and wait until I heard something. It wasn’t long before I heard back, and continued to hear. Now it just doesn’t stop, but I can’t just hear all this stuff and not do anything!!๐Ÿ˜€ That is why I am about my business everyday! No time
can be wasted when you have a purpose.

However, its very easy to do JUST THAT, when you are sitting in your rear-in a room everyone has decided is different than other rooms of the same kind, and the sitting only gets interrupted by songs packaged into an acceptable format for the audience, and some standing accompanied by staring at the stage-similar to the stare at an iPhone while trying to keep your mind off the wait. Eventually, human nature happens, and you find yourself forgetting what you heard, and being a good little follower; like all good followers, ya just trust a guy or gal that claims to be at a higher level of humble servant, and gives information you haven’t found or verified on your own.

Not me. I’ll pass. Lol๐Ÿ˜‚

So I’m hanging with the guy in the back. The guy that gets bad customer service most of the time. The guy who people cast awkward glances at. The guy who they think is a heretic, dirty, a sinner, and just someone thought of as not worthy of any note.

Now, the sun shines brighter than it ever has.

So next time someone wants to ask me, “You goin’ to church? Ya been to church?”, or whatever else like it, then maybe-just MAYBE-I’ll ask them to think of another question instead. The question that asks: “What kinds of things can we do to help those around us right now???”

I hope the feathers ruffle to their most uncomfortable and most expressive point, and phoniness dies a slow agonizing death.โค๏ธโœŒ๐Ÿพ๏ธimage

Jeremy Scott and the Monday turn up!๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Its Monday, so its time to turn up!

A little something like this-bright, statement making clothing-gives me some inspiration for this week.๐Ÿ˜ŠThe clothes seen here were designed by Jeremy Scott, and it was very fitting that it was placed in the “Youth And Rebellion” portion of the “Reigning Men” exhibit at the LACMA. He was inspired by hip-hop groups-like Public Enemy-that had strong political leanings towards fighting the corrupt power of an oligarchy taking advantage of minorities and the oppressed. Although this still happens today, and the measure of the size of that group and term-“opressed”-is changing as former middle class group members are added to it due to widening income inequality, the message and inspiration is just as relevant as ever. Youth and rebellion and chanelling that energy into constructive change and action, is something that is so of the moment, and I feel like I’ll just tap into that for some extra Monday motivation. Its still “Fight The Power” with me over here. My brother and I aren’t huddled over the boombox now. We’ve become men and each have our role and our place in taking a stand for what is write.

Its Monday, so I had to turn up๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ

#art #photography #fashion #fashionblogger #JeremyScott #LosAngeles #california

Pieces of Wynwood

Life is too short to live it stressed out by corporate bull๐Ÿ’ฉ!๐Ÿ˜‚ May 2016 will only come by once. This day will only be here one time; and for that reason, I am so thankful I had my camera with me yesterday in #Miami. I’m back in #Arizona, but my heart was left on the ground in #wynwood.

It dropped to the floor when I looked up at the walls. When my irises were raided with color, they blinked and opened themselves again to let the light shine through. $10 smoothies were met with a reaction of appreciation and acceptance-even though they were $10 (that’s kinda high right?๐Ÿ˜‚)

I met people who became friends immediately. Situationally. They drew close to me as we were in the same cell, and this life was processing us. Outside were the correctional officers, but inside, we felt free and had peace.

Wynwood was the escape. It was freedom. The beacon on the shining hill. The United States welcoming immigrants with open arms. This time we got it right.

Crowds of people came and admired the walls with a life and style of their own; it was the beauty that “they” all try to marginalize. The art of people who have no where else to go and no choice but to do what they do with the tools available to them.

I feel like God gave me a camera, and a pen, so I have to use it. To these artists, he gave them their paint and the walls of Wynwood as their canvas.๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜€โค๏ธโœŒ๐Ÿพ๏ธ

#wynwoodartdistrict #streetart #streetphotography #photographer #photography #art #style #collage #poetry #writing #blogger #fashionblogger #fashionlover #styleblogger #paigedenim #LifeAfterDenim #JohnElliot #garrettLeight #docmartens #leather #boots

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In life when I had to fight, I leaned on Pac. Nights I was alone on the highway, no money, looking for my next sale-so I could get some commission and pay my rent. Often during those times, I felt fear, and sometimes I felt like I would crack under the pressure; that was until I put on this!๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿพ“Tradin’ War Stories” by Tupac Amaru Shakur}. Gohan was just a smile child, but something was awakened in him when those who cared about him were under threat. The spirit of the warrior: “We tradin war stories! Outlaws on the rise, jealous n*****s I despise-LOOK IN MY EYES๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ” #tupac #tupacshakur #2pac #tupacquotes #poetry #writer #blogger #music #hiphop #jeanpaulgaultier #french #designers #fashion #fashionblogger #inspiration #styleblogger #LACMA #art #photography #camoflauge #military #style #reigningmenimage


I moved around over 13 times in my life and often felt like a wandering gypsy.๐Ÿ˜‚ An #Outkast from the city of #Atlanta, but I have never felt a since of belonging m-akin to the one I felt yesterday-until that first trip to #LosAngeles 15 years ago. I told myself I was going to make it there somehow; I’m still striving. I see art and beauty all around me, and that includes the less fortunate (not just the genetic lottery winners). For this reason, I put the photo of this brutha, along with the art, because to me “they are one”: street art. We may be struggling in our own ways, but like #KendrickLamar says, “Its gon’ be ALRIGHT!” So with love, I bought him the biggest soda I could get him when he asked for a coke. “F*** what ya heard. Jean’s blessin’ all the trap n****s!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Žโค๏ธโœŒ๐Ÿพ๏ธ” 

Martin Easter Egg; Nineties Hip-Hop; Before The “Gangsta” Era

My older brother and I used to listen to this album over and over; it was also one of the few records I had-and that was only because my dad approved and bought me the tape after some strategic begging.๐Ÿ˜‚ If you look closely, you’ll see the poster hanging on Martin’s wall in the popular 90’s television show of the same name.๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ You can hear the jazz influence-i.e. similar to other group’s at the time (#DiggablePlanets and #tribecalledquest).๐Ÿ˜Š I have link to the song in thus post (really hope you will check it out!) 

Its funny how things come back around. Does anyone remember the bright colored sneakers-like Pharrel’s Ice Cream’s or Rev Run’s daughters’ Pastry sneakers-that were really popular in the early 2000’s? For a brief moment, the style of the nineties infancy years was enjoying a mild resurgence in the form of people embracing bright colors in their streetstyle. 

I have no objections! Lol! I love how Moschino and Jeremy Scott, for example, use a lot of color in their designs-and although I’m sure there are many others you could think of-I would say those bild enough to do so are in the minority. Why? I’m not sure, but I write this just reminsicing on the bright, neon, logo-less jackets my family was wearing way back then. The memories are blurry now, but when I at look at how we’re dressed, it transports me back to this place and time; something similar to this song, which upon hearing, does the exact same thing every time. Here’s to wishing little elements of 90’s fashion-and music-keep beaming us up like Scotty!๐Ÿ˜‚ To the next adventure! Happy Friday y’all!โœŒ๐Ÿพ๏ธ

#umcs #hiphop #history #classic #1991 #hiphop #music #writing #writer #blogger #art #albumcover #poetry #personalstyle #fashionblogger #styleblogger


That’s why I “Be Eaaaaasy”๐Ÿ˜„

Need an adrenaline rush to start your day or right before your workout? This song never fails!๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ “Tell your crew to be easy, n—s run around. With them fake frowns, sell ’em on eBay! Get word to the DJ, tell ’em Staten Island’s In the house, put the record on replay!”

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