Beauty, art, and an army getup

This is a US Army Doughboy uniform that dates back to 1971. I saw it at the “Defining Moments: 50 Years Of Fashion” exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum a few months ago.

It would be easy to assume that this exhibit was primarily for women, however, that couldn’t be further from the truth; case in point, just look at the photo here! 
Art is everyone! Well, at least good art is! Hope you enjoy what I’ve shared here. I think it would be pretty hard not to like this art & piece of history shown in this image. Peace!😄✌🏾️

#art #fashion #fashionblogger #phoenix #phoenixartmuseum #style #writersofinstagram #writer #styleblogger 

Keep the dream in front of you


This is how I keep my dreams in front of me. Beautiful scene huh? It reminds me of the ability we all have in us to overcome obstacles. If you see a gap, build a bridge!!😄❤️✌🏾️
#LosAngeles #California #photography #photographer #writersofinstagram #blogger #writer

Beauty and pain


My mom sent me a link the other day about how nothing is achieved without sacrifice, pain, and struggle. And as I sat here and thought to myself having coffee this morning, I thought about how serendipitous her words were. They were like how her style is: perfectly suited for the occasion, and my little story today!😄❤️🙌🏾

Still thinking, I’m browsing through my pictures, and I see this image (which I love!!😀) of John Lennon; technically, it’s graffiti in the Wynwood Art District in Miami, but it’s much more to me.

When I saw the image, I immediately thought of how he wasn’t around anymore, and of course, there’s a little pain to that feeling. But I soon realized, that pain, however unfortunate and sad, contributed in a major way to this piece of art being possible.

Beauty and pain. Perhaps the best art always incorporates these things?❤️✌🏾️ #writersofinstagram #blogger #art #streetart #graffiti #streetphotographer #beauty #painting #music #TheBeatles #JohnLennon #rocknroll

Beautiful Saturday Morning!

imageBeautiful Mornin!!

“Beautiful morning! You’re the sun in my morning babe! Nothing unwanted!”

Kid Cudi on “Father Stretch My Hands” on Kanye West’s “The Life Of Pablo” album

Even though this picture wasn’t taken in the morning, whatever! Looks good right?😂 I thought this would be a cool little somethin’ to post on Saturday morning. We won’t get another day like this, so let’s appreciate it and enjoy every moment.
Some of them are more precious than others, and when those come along? Bust out that camera quick!

Image featured here is a photo I took on the side of the road traveling back from Redmond, Oregon on my way to Portland. Timing is everything!!❤️✌🏾️ #photography #travel #writersofinstagram #blogger #art #photographer #writer #traveler

Tribes At War

“Tribes At War” by Nas & Damien Marley

Man what happened to us
? Geographically they moved us. 
From Africa. 
We was once happiness-pursuers. 
Now we back stabbing, combative and abusive
. The African and Arab go at it they most Muslim. 
Used to be moving in unison. 
Disputes would end. 
Bounty hunters and grape street get cool again
. Sub-standard housing
. Got the young running rampant. 


I write this because “every man deserves to earn and every child deserves to learn” just how the song says!❤️🙌🏾🙌🏾

I have a lot of smart people around me. It blesses me to know that I am not the smartest (no one is ever the smartest person actually, for none of us possess “perfect knowledge”), but by absorbing what these lovely people have to say, the situation changes. Now instead of being limited by my own intelligence, I’m enriched by the gift of someone else’s knowledge I didn’t have before. Instead of “I” and “me”, we have “we” and “us” taking their place.😄

Cruising through the Tinder profiles from time to time, it occurs immediately-to one of sense at least-that there is a collective decline in class, grace, and manners in society; manners being fueled by one thing. A thing which is the very essence of manners, and which is also neccessary to truly one express the universal laws around respect; that thing which does this is called “grace”.

Yet all around us, the laws are broken and violated. The response? A hushed silence as the hijackers take control of the plane and no one stops the enemy before the plane crashes needlessly.

However, if we take a stand, we can stop it. But we can’t ignore the signals. Weather. Climate. Facts that point to the neccessity of ending the gluttony and excess that enables the oppression of the less fortunate in a poorer country. We are already pretty much paying for clean water, and some have an agenda to make us all pay for clean air (if one were to infer from their stance on climate change that is!).

It can be seen by the way certain areas-poor areas-are polluted, forcing people to move, or else, endure the pain and disease brought on by the poisonous output the company produces, who abuse the land in favor of reducing their production costs, engage in their business, regardless of the costs to the community.* Since they don’t want their own trash in their own trash can (the general rule for us), they have it moved away from their place of business, and it is instead all laid to rest on someone else’s land.* Poorer land.

If we don’t respect each other, and our own land, there won’t be any land left. There are already plenty of resources on the earth to take care of everyone, so why does poverty and suffering in some areas continue regardless of there being the most amazing advances in technology in the world around them as they cry out in need?

It’s because, in many instances, there is a business agenda to keep particular peoples oppressed. I don’t need to explain colonialism, and its after effects, which still exist today, but what is particularly concerning is the presence of a mentality and way of thinking that subsists in the minds and hearts of the opressors.

This mindset is that of one thinking he/she is somehow worth more than an other, when in fact, we are all equals.

One most be on guard for it, because it’s the mentality the world shared before Jack Johnson shattered the science of the inferiority of the black race so powerfully with his victory on June 4th, 1910 to become the heavyweight champion of the world. At that moment, one who was considered 3/4ths of a person, showed not only that he was 4/4th’s all along, but he added a little extra to this limited and foolish measurement. The world was shocked that this could actually even be possible; it was the first of many pyschological barriers to be broken down by the warriors of right.

But when I open the magazines, and I see the corporations-who ironically enough, preach diversity in their institutions which lack it-perpetuating this system of oppression, I think they maybe actually crave and desire neighborhoods and schools segregated by race and income: modern day apartheid.

How can they-knowing full well the pyschological implications-continue to advertise and promote their businesses in a way that perpetuates separation and puts down its own readers-in some cases, contributing to the eating disorders, self-hate, and suicide of the public? Without a conscience, they continue their grip on the pysche of the people enforcing ideals around what is considered beautiful, what size and weight one should be, the ideal complexion, and on and on they go.

So I have to thank my aunt for making me aware of the history that many (the public school system for instance) have tried to erase by banning the mention of this silent war, or by choosing to teach lies in its place instead. Once I was one of those impressionable minds sitting in the classroom being programmed, not knowing at the time that much of the data being dumped into me was a toxic trojan horse that would run rampant when let loose.

Thank God though for the truth! This trojan horse is not perfect, and it has a fatal weakness. It will run when faced with the presence of truth, and I am thankful to my aunt for sharing with me books that do just that.

I hope you all will take a walk with me down this path together, and instead of “Tribes At War”, we replace it with love and peace. It all starts with the people around us, so know that if you are around me, be prepared to be lifted up!❤️✌🏾️ #poetry #writing #writer #blogger


False fear

imageSo your boy was at Martin Luther King & Central Ave a few months ago and felt two hands grip me on my shoulders. Knowing that I was still sane, but was sure something otherworldly had grabbed me, I reattached the loose portions of my brain and the vision (the one you see right before you now) flashed into view!❤️✌🏾️#writersofinstagram #blogger #photography #photographer #losangeles #mlk #california #art #graffiti #streetart

Plea for people to love one another, stop the bullsh*t, and be as fly as possible instead!!😂❤️

There were days when I walked around the streets of Atlanta, no money in my pocket, and no friends. There’s a feeling of immense disappointment in yourself sometimes when you see other people riding by in their Mercedes and BMW’s, while you are waiting at the bus stop. On the passenger side, is the girlfriend you don’t have and can’t afford. They don’t see you looking on-dreaming in your head of that being you sometime in the years ahead-and thinking maybe then (just maybe!!😄😂), that you’ll finally be treated with respect! Maybe you’ll be treated like an equal for a change, instead of a just a little bit lower than them for no reason at all-other than their perception of your appearance, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual preference, style of dress, manner of speaking, age, choices in tattoos, or the piercings you have?!😀 Maybe people will not be talking down to you anymore-like you are still in high school or something because you look younger than your age (😂)-or whatever reason occurs in the mind of someone to ever talk down to another. I mean, how could they possibly talk down to you after you have made your money, are running your own business, and have a resume with a proven track record of business success?

For some reason though, this never happens; and I know the sistahs feel me especially on this (😀❤️!)!! Maybe this is why Americans sometimes have a bad reputation oversees. Might be that the arrogance other countries resent in Americans, as they interact with them in their home country, sometimes causes an issue. Being overly prideful, and having an overinflated sense of self-importance, is not an good trait; it is a weakness. Real leaders and real successful people don’t condescend; they are always trying to help enrich the other person, and the universe rewards them. 

There are many that still “talk down”, but I just dust them off and count off the rings like Kobe!😂 If you are reading this, just know: YOU ARE A STAR!! Prince is right, but there is one caveat. You aren’t a star if you are rude, don’t consider other people’s feelings, have no manners, poor etiquette, don’t listen, and are prone to talk more about people (rather than ideas, which Eleanor Roosevelt described so lovely☺️). I’d add to that being overly defensive. 

If Prince and David Bowie saw some of the suckas claimin’ to be ’bout what they were about, they’d find that either of them wouldn’t want them as fans. No one likes a phony. Hahahahaha!

So go out there today and love the people around you. It doesn’t cost anything, and you’ll be rewarded. I’ll be doing my part out here in the desert!😄❤️✌🏾️

Paint on the walls; sand under your feet😊

Here is some art from #VeniceBeach to start your day; well, starting the day if you’re on west coast time (like myself😊) that is!😀 Pac said “the west side is the best side”, but I don’t know what to think!😂 I can’t make up my mind when I see beautiful art on the walls in Miami, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, or Venice-like this one here, but I can definitely say Venice is ELITE when it comes to this!!!🙌🏾 Some of the best art in the world is there, and you don’t need a ticket or special pass. You just walk right up and look at all the creativity around you with the sand from the beach underneath your shoes. Then you walk along the boardwalk peacefully as a soft breeze blows and the 75 degree weather engages in a cooperative massaging of your soul with the sun. Then, you stop and grab a cup of coffee, talk to the people around you, and you raise your glass because life is good. ❤️✌🏾️#writersofinstagram #streetart #graffiti #photography #art #poetry​

Memorial Day 2016

Long before I was born, I had people looking out for me. 

I have pictures of them here on this Memorial Day because I felt it was important to show how much people have done for us that we don’t even know about, especially those that have fallen in the line of duty (which we honor today), and all the men who served our country in the many wars of the past. Some of these men, in particularly, were members of my family that served in World War I II, and others. One of these men (the only standalone picture) was someone I was actually named after. On my mom’s side, there are even more-too many to list even, but that just serves to show how amazing it is to live in this country and enjoy the freedoms we have. More was sacrified than I even really know, and some of the things I’d like to know, have been forgotten about or lost over time. I’ve made a decision not to forget, and I can start by taking some more time for remembrance. I’ll start with just one person at a time, but I think it will help me to not take things for granted. I know that if not, forgetting will happen, the same as not remembering will. Before the stories are lost, I’m going to go out and search for them. There are books behind the photos in these pictures, and it’s time for me to read them and immerse myself in the worlds they describe.

Thank you so much to all the veterans and those whose lost their lives serving this country. Maybe by honoring those that are still with us in the days outside of Memorial Day, I can make them proud as they look down on us. 

For the aesthetes☺️

In 1882, playwright Oscar Wilde publicly wore a velvet lounge jacket with satin breeches to general disapproval. However, his flamboyant dress was ardently followed by like-minded Aesthetes-writers and artists whose aim was “to exist beautifully.” 

Caption From LACMA Reigning Men Exhibit April 2016

I have a velvet jacket that I broke out at a company meeting years ago; it was a two button sportcoat, dark blue in color, and was designed by Versace. I couldn’t help but buy it when I saw it on the sale rack at the Saks in Phipps Plaza in Atlanta.😂 Sale rack?! You kiddin’ me!!😂 It was like a sign from heaven: “John! Thou art commanded to wear this blue coat. Obey my commands, and you will be blessed.” 

Or so, I’d like to think, but I was actually making an impulsive decision enabled by my trusty Visa; it truly is “everywhere you want to be”.😂

As I was looking back at my pictures, and what were my favorite portions of the LACMA “Reigning Men” exhibit, I found one I had been meaning to write about. Besides it being super inspiring to me, it was pretty much confirmation of my dreams, what I want to write about, and how I will be striving to live out my life-as an “aesthete”.😊

It’s so wonderfully described in the quote above, and it pretty much sums up why I named my blog this, why I dress the way I dress, why I love art so much, etc. I always wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t have the confidence to pursue it, so I settled on becoming a cog in the large corporate machine that opresses us and is so wonderfully exposed in the movie “The Big Short”.😊

Thank you mom for encouraging me to do otherwise. I’ll be walking in the footsteps of Oscar Wilde-the footsteps of thr aesthetes before me (like you!!😂😂).❤️✌🏾️  

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