For the aesthetes☺️

In 1882, playwright Oscar Wilde publicly wore a velvet lounge jacket with satin breeches to general disapproval. However, his flamboyant dress was ardently followed by like-minded Aesthetes-writers and artists whose aim was “to exist beautifully.” 

Caption From LACMA Reigning Men Exhibit April 2016

I have a velvet jacket that I broke out at a company meeting years ago; it was a two button sportcoat, dark blue in color, and was designed by Versace. I couldn’t help but buy it when I saw it on the sale rack at the Saks in Phipps Plaza in Atlanta.😂 Sale rack?! You kiddin’ me!!😂 It was like a sign from heaven: “John! Thou art commanded to wear this blue coat. Obey my commands, and you will be blessed.” 

Or so, I’d like to think, but I was actually making an impulsive decision enabled by my trusty Visa; it truly is “everywhere you want to be”.😂

As I was looking back at my pictures, and what were my favorite portions of the LACMA “Reigning Men” exhibit, I found one I had been meaning to write about. Besides it being super inspiring to me, it was pretty much confirmation of my dreams, what I want to write about, and how I will be striving to live out my life-as an “aesthete”.😊

It’s so wonderfully described in the quote above, and it pretty much sums up why I named my blog this, why I dress the way I dress, why I love art so much, etc. I always wanted to be a writer, but I didn’t have the confidence to pursue it, so I settled on becoming a cog in the large corporate machine that opresses us and is so wonderfully exposed in the movie “The Big Short”.😊

Thank you mom for encouraging me to do otherwise. I’ll be walking in the footsteps of Oscar Wilde-the footsteps of thr aesthetes before me (like you!!😂😂).❤️✌🏾️  

Looks better sans gut😂

The last time I wore this denim G-Star shirt (few years ago, a picture was taken of me, and I couldn’t believe how it looked; there was all this fat hanging over the waistband of my jeans!😂 I made a decision that day to get back in shape, but it wasn’t until over a year later-and cutting out all alcohol consumption and gluten-that I started to really see good results. It was hard at first, but its been very rewarding. Now, I don’t have to worry about my stomach digging into the metal belt buckle I’m wearing (more info to come on these and more in the future), and I can tuck my shirt on without concern of channeling Homer Simpson’s aesthetic unknowingly.😂😂 #fashion #fashionblogger #writer #blogger #art #photographer #photography #style #outfitoftheday #collage

Art, fashion, and old clothes that aren’t actually old😊


As if the connection between art and fashion was not clearly evident, the “50 Years Of Fashion; Defining Moments Of Fashion” exhibit at the #PhoenixArtMuseum was an enjoyable way to see additional confirmation up-close and in-person.☺️ The dress in this picture is an evening dress by Cristóbal Balenciaga.😊 I wouldn’t have guessed it dates to 1961! Would you? Looks like you could snatch if off the mannequin now and wear it out in the world today. I’m glad I resisted the temptation to do so.😂💖✌🏾️

Wynwood was built, so we came

You never know who you are going to meet; and although you and I are most likely already familiar with this concept, I’d like to add a little somethin’ somethin’ to that: fashion and art bring people together. Might as well add good taste to that previous statement (don’t they look great?). You can see we were having a blast!!😄 Our admiration for the profane being made into art (think #OFY 😄😂) brought us together, in addition to respect and admiration for #streetart and good #style. All of those things are in this picture, but also, you can see the fun and the #hippy #peace vibes we had going on.☺️ You see, we didn’t know each other and just met in the store-as I was running around trying on everything in site inside the store; my mind was kinda blown with how amazing the clothes were at this amazing store. Lol. I love the diversity of #Miami #Florida and how people from so many different places and languages are there-all under one unifying theme: doing our best to look as fly as possible! Lololol😂💙💚💛❤️💕💞💖💓💝✌🏾️ #streetart #photographer #photography #fashionlover #artlover #fashionblogger #photographyislife #OFY #blackhippy #hippy #peace #love #unity #beauty #blogger #writer #writing #graffiti​

Pieces of Wynwood

Life is too short to live it stressed out by corporate bull💩!😂 May 2016 will only come by once. This day will only be here one time; and for that reason, I am so thankful I had my camera with me yesterday in #Miami. I’m back in #Arizona, but my heart was left on the ground in #wynwood.

It dropped to the floor when I looked up at the walls. When my irises were raided with color, they blinked and opened themselves again to let the light shine through. $10 smoothies were met with a reaction of appreciation and acceptance-even though they were $10 (that’s kinda high right?😂)

I met people who became friends immediately. Situationally. They drew close to me as we were in the same cell, and this life was processing us. Outside were the correctional officers, but inside, we felt free and had peace.

Wynwood was the escape. It was freedom. The beacon on the shining hill. The United States welcoming immigrants with open arms. This time we got it right.

Crowds of people came and admired the walls with a life and style of their own; it was the beauty that “they” all try to marginalize. The art of people who have no where else to go and no choice but to do what they do with the tools available to them.

I feel like God gave me a camera, and a pen, so I have to use it. To these artists, he gave them their paint and the walls of Wynwood as their canvas.🙌🏾😀❤️✌🏾️

#wynwoodartdistrict #streetart #streetphotography #photographer #photography #art #style #collage #poetry #writing #blogger #fashionblogger #fashionlover #styleblogger #paigedenim #LifeAfterDenim #JohnElliot #garrettLeight #docmartens #leather #boots

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“Oh F*ck Yeah!😂”

“OH F*CK YEAH BRO!😂 Wait a second! Did I just say that? #wtf right now? WTF right now? Oh, I wanna, write right now.☺️ Better “that”, than speak out loud the thoughts I thought when I thought I saw-the lady in this picture who appeared to be a model☺️, but was instead-the beautiful lady runnin’ the damn place! Doesn’t she look like a boss? And stepping back a little bit to what I mentioned about why I couldn’t say what I was thinking in my head; it was because I said something similar to “#OFY!!😀”-like the name of the store (but only in my head-not outloud thank goodness!), and you can’t do that here on Instagram. But you CAN😀 tell the world how amazing this store is, how It has the best clothes, and the most amazing service!! I spent a lot more money than I planned-money I didn’t think I had (thank you credit cards😂)-and I have the wonderful brands I purchased to thank for that. I hope you will like and and follow me back-as I do you. That would make me say: “OH F*CK YEAH!”😂 #fashionblogger #fashionlover #photographer #beauty #women #style #photographer #photography #writing #NativeYouth #LifeAfterDenim #EighteenWaits #cottoncitizen #18waits #fashion #wynwoodartdistrict #wynwood #Miami #Florida




Allen Iverson, flowers, and thugs

As a young kid, I used to look up to Allen Iverson. I had the jersey and used to wear it with pride; there were some, however, who felt the opposite of pride when they say my black jersey with the number “3” emblazoned on it in beautiful stitching.

Who were these folks? The people that booed him, the sports commentators that disparaged him-without knowing him and mischaracterizing his communication, which was akin to someone having a different dialect, or a different way of speaking than the majority in the region where they both live-even though it was the same language at heart.

For anyone who took the time to sit down with him, as many good journalists did, they found him quite easy to understand, yet he was often described as “street” or urban. My friends out there know what these code words really mean (lol😂), but I still remember the people who called him a “thug”. Now Pac and myself may take that as a compliment, but the people in the media (in general) didn’t mean it like that. I stumbled across this article today, as I was thinking about A.I. for some reason, and found that the conclusions I had deduced were not singular in nature: for reference, please check out this great article from the Men’s Journal here😊: 👉🏾 or the #Showtime #documentary about #AllenIverson.

This quote was true for me in the workplace & my experience in corporate America with the entrenched racism and taboo rules that disproportionately affect people of color, and I’m sure lots of other members of my human-race-family of different shades can relate-“especially” #women and #minorities; the reason being, their appearance and #clothing-although professional-is still often considered inappropriate or taboo, when it is not of a conservative or conformist nature. Now don’t get me wrong, I am going to be fly anyway (and I know you would be right there with me looking fly also); after all, they can’t stop us from being creative and still find a way to look stylish within the rules. Still, the lengths that we have to go to do this (and expense) I think oftentimes is wrong. What do you think?

Anyway, I got some inspiration from this (one of the reasons I love my enemies. Lol😂” The quote was: “Five years after Allen Iverson unceremoniously left the NBA, he’s still one of the most divisive players in league history — a love-him-or-hate-him figure and paradox of personalities often misunderstood because of how he looked, how he talked, and the way he acted.”

Michael Jackson told me “They don’t really care about us” and so did #KendrickLamar with #ToPimpAButterfly; but, I decided to take the approach of #Rakim and tell these suckas: “Don’t sweat the technique.”😂😂😂

As long as I have freedom and am alive, I will express myself freely without accommodating the majority. A.I. till I die❤️✌🏾️

Subtlety And Accessories; Featuring Jewelry From @kozajewelr

Something as simple as changing up the accessories you wear with your clothing is a powerful way to refresh clothes that feel old (like this 5 year old #Marcjacobs #floralpattern #shirt). It felt like I had all new items on, even though that wasn’t the case, and that was all possible due to what I believe was the way the jewelry helped tie into the colors of the shirt and give it a different look than it otherwise would have had if worn shorn jewelry.😊 😉 The art of subtlety is something I appreciate, and I sometimes feel like trying to express that with what I wear. There is so much screaming for our attention everyday that the unnecessary noise crowds out little things to be appreciated; I know that its true for me at least😂, so I wanted to take this time to shine a light on a chain I purchased from a company I overlooked (metaphor for what was lost in the noise of things competing for my attention😉). Their name is @kozajewelry 🙏🏾😄, and as part of a promotion they had recently I purchased this single #brass #chain. #Unique looking huh? Check out their page if you dig their steez (I know I do😄😂)❤️✌🏾️ #kozajewelry #jewelry #fashion #accessories #art #collage #fashionphotography #personalstyle #styleblogger #fashionblogger #writer #blogger #tattoos #tattooed #piercings #pierced #rocknroll



That rush of adrenaline in your blood; it’s like nothing else. It’s all natural-except for the caffiene perhaps, but it grabs your heart and attention so forcefully; it’s like you have no control over your will, and all of a sudden something more powerful than you is in control. 

Ever felt that??😀 

Well I did today.🙌🏾😱❤️ After years of struggling and fighting depression, the side for the good guys won a huge battle. There is a whole green valley in front of me panoramically-below my elevated position-where before, I could never see anything but darkness-for the sea of enemies in front of me was THAT massive. Demons. Everyone has them. 

I found it was true for me that-for those faithful to the one who follows no one-that your enemies will be laid at your feet if you persist courageously, and you risk all, unafraid to die. Unafraid to fail. 

In the heat of battle, your natural reactions are taken captive by the “flight or fight response”. 

I choose to FIGHT!😄🕶🐎🔫 (like the desperados in the old spaghetti westerns. 

Here are some lyrics that explain the feeling properly from an Ennio Morricone musical piece (masterpiece❤️👍🏾): 

“Levantando en aire los sombreros. (Lifting our sombreros up in the air.)

Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill (twice), compañeros !)

Pintaremos de rojo sol y cielos. (We’ll paint sun and sky in red!.
Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill, compañeros !)

Hay que ganar muriendo, pistoleros! (You must win dying, pistoleros!)

Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill, compañeros !)

“Hay que morir venciendo, guerrilleros. (You must die triumphant, guerilleros.”)❤️❤️❤️

“Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! Let’s go and kill, compañeros !)

Luchando con el hambre, sin dineros. (Fighting while hungry, without money.)

Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros ! (Let’s go and kill, compañeros !) ”

This is the feeling I feel in my blood before the moment I hit the floor to compete. I burst into light, my brother looking down from above; proud his brother attained the level of “Super Saiyan”!😂❤️🙌🏾✌🏾️ ,_Compañeros!_Title_Song




This masterpiece is the “Génie de la terre” (Spirit Of The Earth). It is from the year 1855; it was made by artist Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux. Sidenote: I’d be scared as “you know what”, if this thing was comin’ after me!😂

Different Environment; Different Look

The hooded villain from earlier went to bed. Lol. Different environment? Then you bring a different look.😊

These laser red Converse sneakers are the closest thing I could get to “Red Octobers” (sold out) or the red sneakers Ye designed for Louis V. Close enough for this and fun enough for a party-so I’ll try this out tonight.✌🏾️ 


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